MoEF Six monthly Compliance Report

What are Half Yearly EIA/EC MOEF compliance reports

  • As part of the environmental monitoring process for projects granted an Environmental Clearance (EC) or EIA No Objection Certificate (NOC) as per the EIA notification 2006 by MoEF/SEIAA, an environmental consultant/expert prepares factual statement reports.
  • These compliance reports document the project’s compliance with the stipulated general and specific environmental conditions outlined in the EC/NOC.

Why do the projects require submitting the six-monthly EIA/MoEF Compliance report?

  • All projects, regardless of whether they are classified as Category A or Category B, must submit a post-environmental clearance report to the Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF) and other relevant authorities twice a year, in June and December.
  • This is required under the EIA notification of 2006 and its subsequent amendments.

What is the purpose of the half-yearly environmental compliance report for MoEF?

  • When a project is seeking an environmental clearance (EC) from the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), the project proponent submits an environmental impact assessment (EIA) report.
  • This report describes the project’s potential impacts on the environment, including its impact on air quality, water quality, noise quality, and soil quality.
  • The report also includes mitigation measures that the project proponent will take to reduce its environmental impacts.
  • Once the EC is granted, the project proponent is required to comply with the conditions of the EC. These conditions may include monitoring the project’s environmental impacts and taking corrective action if necessary.
  • The project proponent is also required to submit regular reports to the MoEFCC on the project’s environmental performance.
  • Six monthly reports show how the project is complying with the conditions of the EC and the environmental regulations.
  • The report should also include information on the project’s environmental performance, such as its air quality monitoring data, water quality monitoring data, and Ambient noise quality data. 
  • The list of projects and activities that are required to submit a six-monthly compliance report is specified in the EIA notification of 2006. 
  • Each project that has been granted an EC must advertise this fact in local and regional newspapers in Hindi and English.
  • This is to ensure that the public is aware of the project and its potential environmental impacts.

Post-Environment Monitoring - Environmental Laboratory Testing

  • Project proponents are required to collect primary data on ambient air, ambient noise, ambient soil, water, and other environmental parameters that could be impacted during the construction and operational phases of the project.
  • These samples are collected, tested, and analyzed according to the procedures defined by the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change (MoEFCC) or State Pollution Control Board.
  • The analyzed results must be submitted to the MoEFCC every six months.
  • If the analyzed results do not meet the standards set by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and State Pollution Control Board (SPCB), the unit must strictly comply with the stipulated conditions and use appropriate technology to reduce pollution levels.

Frequently Asked Questions

The EIA notification of 2006 is a government regulation of MoEF that sets out the procedures for assessing the environmental impacts of projects.

The post-environmental clearance report is a document that describes the environmental impacts of a project that has already been granted environmental clearance. The report is submitted to the MoEF and other relevant authorities to ensure that the project is being implemented in a way that minimizes its environmental impacts.

The post-environmental clearance report must be submitted to the MoEF and other relevant authorities twice a year, in June and December. This is to ensure that the environmental impacts of the project are being monitored on a regular basis.

Category A projects are those that are likely to have significant environmental impacts. These projects require prior environmental clearance from the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) or the Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) under the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) notification of 2006.

Category B projects are those that are likely to have moderate environmental impacts. Category B projects require prior environmental clearance from the State Environment Impact Assessment Committee (SEAC) or the State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) under the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) notification of 2006.


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