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Hazardous waste Authorisation (HWA) NOC

Hazardous waste Authorisation (HWA) NOC

  • To handle hazardous waste that can be explosive, toxic, and harmful to humans and the environment, a Hazardous Waste Authorisation/NOC is required. 
  • These wastes are generated by various industrial processes, activities, and reactions involved in producing certain substances or products.
  • The Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016, categorise these wastes into Schedule 1, Schedule 2, and Schedule 3. 
  • Any person, occupier, or factory engaging in hazardous activities listed under Schedules 1, 2, and 3 must obtain permission for Hazardous Waste NOC from the Pollution Control Board.
  • Time to Deliver

    30 days to 45 days

  • Validity of Hazardous Waste NOC

    1-5 years

  • Statutory Fee

    Depends upon project category & cost

Documents required for Hazardous Waste Authorisation/NOC

  • Copy of Consent to Operate (Pollution NOC)
  • Land papers/Land documents 
  • Approved Layout plan of the premises 
  • Details of Plant and Machinery installed at the site 
  • Details of Air Pollution Control Measures taken at the project site
  • Details of Hazardous waste to be generated from the project 
  • Borewell NOC from CGWA/HWRA/UPGWD
  • Authorisation letter/Board of Resolution 
  • Design Scheme of Air Pollution Control Devices and Hazardous Waste Management

Why Choose Northern Ridge For Hazardous waste Certificate/NOC

  • Experience and expertise
  • Competitive pricing
  • Reputation and reliability
  • Customer feedback

Frequently Asked Questions

Permission Under Rule 6(1) of Hazardous & Other Wastes (Management & Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016, any facility or individual generating, collecting, storing, transporting, receiving, recycling, reusing, recovering, pre-processing, co-processing, utilizing, treating, or disposing of hazardous or other waste must report to the SPCB/PCC for authorization on Form 1.

“Hazardous waste” means any waste which by reason of characteriscs such as physical, chemical, biological, reacve, toxic, flammable, explosive or corrosive, causes danger or is likely to cause danger to health or environment

Waste water and exhaust gases as covered under the provisions of the Water (Prevenon and Control of Polluon) Act, 1974 (6 of 1974) and the Air (Prevenon and Control of Polluon) Act, 1981 (14 of 1981), wastes arising out of operaons from ships beyond five (5) KM, radio-acve wastes, bio-medical wastes, e Municipal Solid Wastes

A. If the waste is listed in Schedule 1 (List of processes generating hazardous wastes) B. If the waste exceeds the conc. limits of waste constituents based on TCLP/STLP listed in Class A, Schedule II C. If the waste exceeds the conc. limits of waste constituents based on TCLP listed in Class B, Schedule II D. if the waste is classified as per hazardous characteristics listed in Class C, Schedule II.

Generators of hazardous waste can store it for a maximum of 90 days and 10 tons. The State Pollution Control Board may extend this storage period up to 180 days in the following cases: a. Small generators (up to 10 tons per year) b. Actual users and disposal facility operators c. Occupiers without access to a treatment facility in the state d. Waste requiring specific storage for process development (recycling, recovery, etc.) Additional extensions, up to 180 days, may be granted on justified grounds.

Large generators: Build your own secure landfill and incinerator (least preferred). Smaller generators: Send your waste to a local CHWTSDF facility. If there isn't one in your state, find the nearest TSDF in another state and get permission from both state SPCBs. High-calorie waste: Consider co-processing your waste with the cement industry (Rule 9). Commonly recyclable waste: Send it to authorized recyclers (Rule 9, Schedule IV). Wastes with other uses: Send them to authorized facilities under Rule 9.

It stands for "Common Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility"

All generators and operators of hazardous waste disposal facilities must submit annual reports in Form 4 to the State Pollution Control Board by June 30th, covering the previous April-March period

Occupier": Person controlling a factory/premises (includes waste possessor)

The person sending hazardous waste must create 7 color-coded copies of Form 10 (manifest) and sign each one

Minimize spills. Equip your premises for response. Upon spillage, quickly identify, isolate, and control it with lime (if applicable). Contact spill specialists, cordon off the area, and remediate after damage assessment.

Importing hazardous waste is prohibited for disposal under Rule 12 of the HOWTM Rules, 2016. However, actual users can import it for recycling and recovery purposes, as outlined in Rules 13, Part A, and Part B of Schedule III.

To import hazardous waste specified in Part A and Part B of Schedule III, submit Form 5 to MOEF&CC, including required documents and prior informed consent (PIC) from the exporting country. Send a copy to the State Pollution Board for their information.

Importing wastes listed in Part D of Schedule III doesn't require MOEF&CC permission. However, you'll need to provide Form 6 with the following documents to Customs: Import license from DGFT (if applicable) Valid consents under the Water Act, 1974, Air Act, 1981, and these Rules Authorization under E-Waste Rules, 2016 (if applicable)

Importing wastes listed in Part D of Schedule III doesn't require MOEF&CC permission. However, you'll need to provide Form 6 with the following documents to Customs: Import license from DGFT (if applicable) Valid consents under the Water Act, 1974, Air Act, 1981, and these Rules Authorization under E-Waste Rules, 2016 (if applicable)

Importing used electrical or electronic items listed in Part B of Schedule III and Schedule I of the E-Waste Rules, 2016, requires Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) authorization as a producer under those rules

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