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Environmental Impact Assessment

What is EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment)?

  • Environmental Impact Assessment is a process to identify, foretell, and assess the present and future environmental, economic, and social impacts that may arise due to the development of the proposed and existing project in the construction and operational phases.
  • EIA studies provide the ability to make sustainable decisions to determine the potential impacts and help mitigate the adverse impacts by adopting alternative technologies, site selection, and processes.
  • EIA is required for Infrastructural projects, Industrial projects, and Mining Projects as per the MoEF notification on 14th September 2006 and as per the defined EIA process and its Schedule in the said notification.
  • The scheduled category project in the notification undergoes the EIA studies
  • After having done the Screening Scoping, and Public Consultation finally MoEF/SEIAA/SEAC grants the EC (Environment Clearance)/EIA NOC
  • MoEF & CC: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change of India 
  • SEIAA: State Environment Impact Assessment Authority
  • SEAC: State Expert Appraisal Committee)

Process of EIA NOC/Clearance as per EIA notification 2006

Setting up a new industry or expanding an existing one requires an Environmental Clearance (EC)/EIA NOC under the Environment Protection Act, 1986, and the EIA Notification, 2006 (as amended). This ensures your project considers and minimizes its environmental impact.

Who grants EC/EIA NOC?

The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) and the State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) are responsible for granting ECs. They follow a structured process based on MoEF/SEIAA guidelines.

Navigating the EIA and Environmental Clearance (EC) process:

Obtaining an EC involves three key stages:

  • Screening: Determining if your project requires an EC.
  • Scoping: Identifying the potential environmental impacts to be assessed.
  • Evaluation: Analyzing the project’s environmental impact and proposing mitigation measures.

Expert guidance is key:

Navigating the EC process can be complex. Consulting an environmental expert like Northern Ridge can ensure you follow the correct procedures, gather necessary documents, and present your case effectively.


  • Site selection and project size are crucial factors in obtaining an EC from the Environment Department 
  • Obtaining an EIA is essential for responsible and sustainable industrial development.

Flow Chart Prior Environmental Clearance Process from MoEF

Projects requiring an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report are categorized as “B1”. These projects have the potential for significant environmental impacts.

“B2” projects, on the other hand, do not require a full EIA report. Their environmental impact is considered less significant.

Specific Guidelines for EIA NOC Categorization:

The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) has issued detailed guidelines for classifying projects into B1 and B2, except for item 8(b) of the Schedule. These guidelines help determine the level of environmental assessment needed for each project.

Special Case: Category B, Item 8:

Interestingly, all projects listed as Category B, Item 8, which includes construction, townships, commercial complexes, and housing, do not require a scoping stage. These projects are assessed directly based on information provided in specific forms (Form 1, Form 1A) and a conceptual plan.


  • Projects needing full EIA reports (B1) require a more detailed assessment process.
  • Less impactful projects (B2) have a simpler assessment process.
  • Specific guidelines exist for categorizing most projects.
  • Category B, Item 8 projects bypass the scoping stage and are assessed directly based on specific forms and a plan.


EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) process flow chart
EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) process flow chart. SEAC: State Expert Appraisal Committee. SEIAA: State Environment Impact Assessment Authority. SPCB: State Pollution Control Board. EIA: Environment Impact Assessment. TOR: Terms of Reference.

steps that need to be followed for obtaining the EIA NOC

Preparation of the DPR (Detailed project report): This stage includes the study of EIA/EMP studies by environmental experts. 

  • The DPR is a document that describes the proposed project in detail, including its location, size, design, and environmental impacts.
  • The consultant prepares the detailed project report (DPR) based on the information provided by the project proponent and architect.
  • The DPR is submitted to the SEAC and SEIAA for review.

Assessment of the DPR by Environmental Experts:

  • The DPR is assessed by experts in different environmental fields, such as air pollution, water pollution, and noise pollution.
  • The experts review the DPR to identify potential environmental impacts and assess their significance.

Site visit by Environmental Experts:: A site visit is done to see the significant environmental impacts by the team of Experts.  

Baseline data collection from Environmental Lab::

  • Baseline is collected for pre-monsoon and Post-monsoon which includes air quality, water quality, noise levels, and soil quality.
  • It is used to compare the environmental conditions before and after the project is constructed. The site visit is conducted by a team of experts, 

Submission of the DPR: The DPR having baseline data, and the site visit report are submitted to the SEAC and SEIAA. The SEAC and SEIAA review these documents to decide whether to issue an EC or NOC for the project.

Public hearing: The SPCB (State Pollution Control Board) in line with the SEAC/SEIAA holds a public hearing to solicit feedback from the local community. The public hearing is an opportunity for people who live near the proposed project to express their concerns about the environmental impacts of the project.

Issuance of an EC/EIA NOC: After considering all the relevant factors, the SEAC/SEIAA issues an EC or EIA NOC for the project. The EC or NOC specifies the conditions that the project must adhere to minimize its environmental impacts.

Validity of the EIA NOC (Environmental Clearance)

  • The environmental clearance (EC) or no objection certificate (NOC) for building townships and area development/infrastructure projects is valid for seven years. 
  • in the Case of Mining projects, EIA/EC is valid for 5 years or up to the validity of the Mining lease. 
  • NOC for EIA from MoEF is valid for 5-10 years in case of Industrial projects subject to the EIA notification 2006 and subsequent amendments. 
  • To extend this validity period, project developers/units must submit a detailed project report (DPR) to the environment department and other relevant authorities before the current EC/EIA NOC expires.

Why you should choose Northern Ridge for EC/EIA NOC?

  • 100% Delivery On Commitment
  • Decades of Experience
  • Competitive Price
  • Happy & Satisfied Clients

Frequently Asked Questions

MOEF/SEIAA is the competent authority to grant the prior Environmental Clearance.

90-120 days depending upon the category of the project

EIA notification 2006 and its subsequent amendments

It is Government of India, MoEF Body formed at the State level to hear the cases of Category B projects

It is the committee constituted by MoEF to assist SEIAA to hear cases of category B.

It is a process to ascertain that a category B project requires further EIA studies or not by SEAC

It refers to have a ToR issued by SEAC and EIA report preparation for category A and B1 projects

Projects which need detailed EIA report preparation following by ToR-Terms of Reference by SEAC

Projects which do not need further EIA report preparation

Projects requires prior Environmental Clearance from SEIAA and SEAC - under EIA notification 2006

It refers to data collected from March to May

It refers to data collected from October to December

Carrying out Onsite environmental monitoring and data collection for testing and analysis

Data collection from the research, reports, and survey done by the first party

Data collection from the research, reports, and survey done by the first party

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories which conforms the standards of ISO/IEC 17025

Projects requires prior Environmental Clearance from MoEF or EAC - Expert Appraisal Committee under EIA notification 2006

Projects requires prior Environmental Clearance from SEIAA and SEAC - under EIA notification 2006

Project and activity falling under the schedule clause of EIA notification 2006 e.g. for Air Ports (Category A, Schedule 7a)

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