Factory NOC

Overview of Pollution NOC for Factories


In the global pursuit of sustainable development, governments worldwide are increasingly prioritizing environmental protection. The concern over environmental exploitation, water pollution, and deteriorating air quality has led governments, including the Indian government, to mandate No Objection Certificates (NOCs). These certificates aim to ensure industries operate within specified environmental norms. This blog delves into the intricacies of CPCB NOC, shedding light on its functions, types, and the essential role it plays in fostering sustainable business practices.

Understanding the Role of the CPCB:

Environmental authorities in India operate under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, of 1974, and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, of 1981. The Pollution Control Board’s primary functions include:

Assisting the Central Government in addressing air, water, and land pollution issues.

Advising state pollution control boards on regulatory compliance.

Organizing programs to control pollution.

Conducting research and preparing development programs to enforce environmental standards. Implementing schemes at national and state levels.

Categories of Industries Requiring Pollution NOCs:

Certain industries are mandated to obtain Pollution NOCs, varying from manufacturing to waste management. The categories include:

  • Manufacturing industries (Micro, Small, Medium, or Large)
  • Healthcare institutions and hospitals generate biomedical waste.
  • Biomedical waste management industries
  • E-waste management industries, including battery waste management.
  • Plastic waste management industries
  • Solid waste management industries
  • Hazardous waste management industries

Categorization by Pollution Control Board:

Industries in India are categorized based on pollution capacity and hazard, ranging from Red (highly polluting) to Green (non-polluting). The categorization, introduced to protect ecologically sensitive areas, influences the NOC duration, fees, and renewal requirements.

Types of No Objection Certificates:

The Pollution Control Board issues two main types of NOCs:

  • Consent to Establish (CTE): Required before establishing a new plant, it permits construction and sets the foundation for ongoing compliance.
  • Consent to Operate (CTO): Ensures ongoing compliance with pollution norms and must be renewed periodically.

Concerned Officers for NOCs:

The officers responsible for authorizing NOCs depend on the industry’s pollution scale and category:

  • RED category (Micro, Small, Medium, and Large): Approval through the Chairman of the Board or PCC for CTE and CTO.
  • Orange category (Micro and Small): Approval through Member Secretary for CTE and CTO.
  • Yellow category (Medium and Large): Approval for CTE by Chairman and Approval for CTO by Member Secretary.
  • Green category (Micro, Small, Medium, and Large): Approval for CTO and CTE by Member Secretary.

Validity and Renewal of Pollution Control Board NOC:

CTE is a one-time NOC for construction, while CTO needs periodic renewal based on industry categorization.

Renewal duration and fees vary according to industry categorization.

Procedure for Obtaining Pollution Control Board NOC:

The application process involves online submission through the Online Consent Management and Monitoring System (OCMMS). The procedure includes scrutiny by senior and supervising officers, site inspections, and approval or rejection by the Board or Committee.

Documentation Requirements:

Extensive documentation is necessary for both CTE and CTO applications, covering site plans, manufacturing processes, environmental impact assessments, and compliance reports.

How Northern Ridge Geotech Private Limited Can Help:

Northern Ridge Geotech Private Limited offers comprehensive services to expedite the NOC Process, ensuring compliance with legal requirements, guiding clients through emerging compliances, and providing timely updates on fee payments and regulations.


As corporate social responsibility and environmental consciousness gain prominence, Apply For Pollution Board NOC is imperative for industries. Compliance not only fosters a positive corporate image but also aligns businesses with sustainable practices. Northern Ridge Geotech stands as a reliable partner, guiding industries through the complexities of environmental regulations and ensuring a smooth NOC process.