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What is the Importance of a Groundwater NOC

Understanding the Significance of Groundwater

it ensures the sustainable use of groundwater
resources, which are vital for drinking, irrigation,
and industrial needs. Over-extraction of
groundwater can lead to water shortages, land
subsidence, and saltwater intrusion, which can
be prevented with a Groundwater NOC that
mandates responsible usage.

it helps prevent water pollution. Groundwater
can be polluted by a range of sources, including
agricultural runoff, industrial waste, and
sewage. A Groundwater permission mandates
the implementation of measures to safeguard
groundwater quality and prevent water

it protects the interests of other users.
Groundwater is a shared resource, and it is
essential to ensure that all users have equal
access to it.

A Groundwater certificate ensures that no one
user extracts too much groundwater, thereby
safeguarding the interests of other users.
It is a legal requirement in many jurisdictions,
and failure to obtain one can result in fines or
other penalties.

It can provide users with better access to
credit and insurance, attract investors, and
improve their public image. A business with a
Groundwater NOC demonstrates its
commitment to sustainable practices, which
can enhance its reputation and attract
investors and customers.

In Conclusion

“A Groundwater NOC is a
certificate issued by either the Central
Ground Water Authority or the respective
State/UT Ground Water Authority, which
allows groundwater extraction. This certificate
is a crucial requirement for commercial or
industrial users, as well as for private
individuals extracting groundwater for
swimming pools or irrigation purposes.”
Powers and Functions of the Pollution Control Board
under Air Act 1981 and Water Act 1974

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